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Understanding Evidence-based Healthcare: A Foundation for Action (Video Presentation)

Presentation May 15, 2012

Page Contents

This web course has been created by the United States Cochrane Center as part of a project undertaken by Consumers United for Evidence-based Healthcare (CUE), and is designed to help consumer advocates understand the fundamentals of evidence-based healthcare concepts and skills. Registration is open and free of charge.

Course Objectives

Our goals in this course are to provide consumer advocates with the tools they need to:

  • Successfully navigate the world of medical information,
  • Critically appraise research studies,
  • Influence the creation of responsible public policy in healthcare, and
  • Help the people they serve to make healthcare choices based on the best available evidence.

Course Description

In these six modules, we will illustrate key concepts with compelling real-world examples, covering the following topics and issues. Run times do not take into account interruptions or a second review of selected slides.

  • Module 1. INTRO: What is evidence-based healthcare and why is it important? (45 minutes)
  • Module 2. ASK: The importance of research questions in evidence based healthcare. (40 minutes)
  • Module 3. ALIGN: Research design, bias and levels of evidence. (1 hour)
  • Module 4. ACQUIRE: Searching for healthcare information. Assessing harms and benefits. (1 hour 10 minutes)
  • Module 5. APPRAISE: Behind the numbers: Understanding healthcare statistics. Science, speed and the search for best evidence. (1 hour 20 minutes)
  • Module 6: APPLY: Critical appraisal and making better decisions for evidence-based healthcare, Determining causality. (1 hour)

Funding Support

  • A conference grant (#R13 HS13368) from The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (K. Dickersin, Principal Investigator)
  • Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Project Timeline

Involving Others in the Effective Health Care Program

Jan 5, 2017
Topic Initiated
Jun 10, 2011
Oct 13, 2011
Oct 21, 2011
Oct 31, 2011
Jan 24, 2012
May 1, 2012
May 15, 2012
Aug 27, 2012
Jun 19, 2013
Sep 30, 2013
Page last reviewed November 2017
Page originally created November 2017

Internet Citation: Presentation: Understanding Evidence-based Healthcare: A Foundation for Action (Video Presentation). Content last reviewed November 2017. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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