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Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Techniques to Integrate Stakeholder Preferences in Comparative Effectiveness Research (Audio Presentation)

Presentation Aug 27, 2012

Page Contents

This webinar from August 27, 2012 introduces the conceptual basis for multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and describes how two preference elicitation techniques, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Conjoint Analysis (CA), can be used to incorporate stakeholder preferences in comparative effectiveness research.

Web Conference

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  • Download the conference transcript (PDF, 113 kB)
  • Download individual slide presentations:
    • Penny Mohr presentation formats: slides (PDF; 51 kB) or text (PDF; 30 kB).
    • Maarten IJzerman, Ph.D., presentation formats: slides (PDF; 1.2 MB) or text (PDF; 57 kB).
    • Jerry A. Krishnan, M.D., presentation formats: slides (PDF; 1.4 MB) or text (PDF; 59 kB).
    • F. Reed Johnson, Ph.D., presentation formats: slides (PDF; 404 kB) or text (PDF; 57 kB).

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Dr. Maarten IJzerman’s research focus is on the clinical and economic assessment of healthcare technology, in particular medical devices. He and his co-workers contribute to the emerging field of early HTA to predict health impact and economic consequences of new medical technologies. Methodologically, his work includes applying appropriate methods like conjoint analysis and AHP- to support healthcare decision making as well as the elicitation of patient reported preferences to health outcomes and technology.

Dr. IJzerman received his PhD in Clinical Epidemiology from the University of Twente in 1997 and an MSc in Biomedical Health Science from the University of Nijmegen in 1993. From 2000 to 2007, he served as the scientific director of Roessingh Research and Development, a leading rehabilitation research institute. Dr. IJzerman has numerous peer-reviewed publications in the areas of patient reported outcomes, elicitation of patient preferences in HTA, and multiple criteria decision making and discrete choice methods.

Dr. Jerry A. Krishnan, M.D., is responsible at the UI Health System for developing, testing, and implementing healthcare interventions to improve care, outcomes, and affordability of care. He is also the Director of the University of Illinois Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences Clinical Interface Core, which facilitates clinical and translational science at the University. He received a MD degree with Honors from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, and completed a Residency in Internal Medicine and Fellowship in Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He received a PhD in Clinical Investigation from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Dr. Krishnan is an expert in clinical investigation in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and is a leader in the field of comparative effectiveness research. He is the Chair of the Steering Committee for the COPD Outcomes-based Network for Clinical Effectiveness and Research Translation (CONCERT), which was funded by AHRQ to develop the first, national, stakeholder-supported research agenda in comparative effectiveness research / implementation science for COPD and by NHLBI to develop a national research infrastructure to conduct comparative effectiveness / implementation studies in COPD. CONCERT is pioneering the use of Analytic Hierarchy Process to identify the expressed needs of patients, clinicians, and other stakeholders for comparative effectiveness research in COPD. He co-chairs a multi-disciplinary working group at the American Thoracic Society which is developing recommendations for the design and conduct of comparative effectiveness research in pulmonary, sleep, and critical care disorders. He is a Principal Investigator in NHLBI-sponsored AsthmaNet, a multicenter national network for efficacy studies in asthma, site Principal Investigator for the NHLBI COPD Clinical Research Network, and served as co-investigator in AHRQ-sponsored CERT and DEcIDE research programs.

F. Reed Johnson, Ph.D., has over 35 years of academic and research experience in health and environmental economics. He has served on the faculty of several universities in the United States, Canada, and Sweden. As a staff member in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's environmental economics research program during the 1980s, Dr. Johnson helped pioneer the development of basic nonmarket valuation techniques. These techniques are now widely used for cost-benefit analysis in health and environmental economics. Dr. Johnson has more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals and has coauthored a book on techniques for using existing environmental and health value estimates for policy analysis. His current research involves estimating general time equivalences among health states and patients' willingness to accept side-effect risks in return for therapeutic benefits. He chairs the ISPOR Conjoint Analysis Experimental Design Task Force.

Project Timeline

Involving Others in the Effective Health Care Program

Jan 5, 2017
Topic Initiated
Jun 10, 2011
Oct 13, 2011
Oct 21, 2011
Oct 31, 2011
Jan 24, 2012
May 1, 2012
May 15, 2012
Aug 27, 2012
Jun 19, 2013
Sep 30, 2013
Page last reviewed November 2017
Page originally created November 2017

Internet Citation: Presentation: Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Techniques to Integrate Stakeholder Preferences in Comparative Effectiveness Research (Audio Presentation). Content last reviewed November 2017. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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