Significant variation exists in both the types and definitions of outcome measures used in patient registries, even within the same clinical area. This variation reduces the utility of registries, making it difficult to compare, link, and aggregate data across the spectrum of clinical care and reporting. To address this variation, AHRQ developed the Outcome Measures Framework (OMF). The OMF is a conceptual model for classifying outcomes that are relevant to patients and providers across most conditions. The OMF is intended to serve as a content model for developing harmonized outcome measures in specific disease areas.
Learn more about the OMF by accessing completed reports and publications.
- Outcome Measures Framework: Literature Review Findings and Implications (PDF, 842 KB)
- Outcome Measures Framework (OMF) Design Document (PDF, 922.1 KB)
- Outcome Measures Framework: Information Model Report (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Building on this foundation, AHRQ funded further efforts in developing Standardized Libraries of Outcome Measures, and supported the implementation of standardized measures for depression in registries and a health system.