Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, systematic reviews of existing research on the effectiveness, comparative effectiveness, and comparative harms of different health care interventions, are intended to provide relevant evidence to inform real-world health care decisions for patients, providers, and policymakers.
An important part of these reviews is to not only synthesize the evidence, but also to identify the gaps in evidence that limited the ability to answer the systematic review questions. As part of a new effort in 2010, AHRQ supports EPCs to work with various stakeholders to further develop and prioritize the future research needed by decisionmakers.
This collection of Future Research Needs projects is intended to be used by researchers and funders of research to help improve the body of comparative effectiveness evidence that would be useful for decisionmakers.
Because this collection is new and there is no previous established methodology, two concurrent strategies will be employed:
- The EPCs will pilot various methods for identifying and prioritizing evidence needs within certain topic areas. Published abstracts of the pilot studies can be accessed in the right navigation. Abstracts in development are listed below.
- Research on various methodologic issues will complement these experiences and inform eventual guidance on approaches to determine and prioritize future research needs. To view the abstracts on various methodological issues, please see Future Research Needs – Methods Research Series.
Future Research Needs projects will be posted on this Web site and available for public comment for approximately 4 weeks. Comments will be reviewed and considered for incorporation into an updated report. If you would like to be notified of the publication of the Future Research Needs reports, please Join our E-mail List.
Comments and suggestions on the Future Research Needs projects can be made at Contact the Effective Health Care Program. Please include the title of the project in the comments box.
Future Research Needs Projects
No. 2: Future Research Needs for the Treatment of Common Hip Fractures.
No. 3: Future Research Needs for the Integration of Mental Health/Substance Abuse and Primary Care.
No. 4: Future Research Needs for Comparative Effectiveness of Treatments of Localized Prostate Cancer.
No. 5: Future Research Needs To Reduce the Risk of Primary Breast Cancer in Women.
No. 6: Future Research Needs for Outcomes of Weight Gain in Pregnancy.
No. 7: Future Research Needs for the Management of Gestational Diabetes.
No. 10: Future Research Needs for Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation in the Pediatric Population.
No. 11: Future Research Needs for Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
No. 12: Future Research Needs for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
No. 13: Future Research Needs for First- and Second- Generation Antipsychotics for Children and Young Adults.
No. 15: Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: Developing and Prioritizing a Future Research Agenda.
No. 16: Self-Measured Blood Pressure: Future Research Needs.
No. 17: Future Research Needs for Prevention and Treatment of Clostridium difficile Infection.
No. 19: Future Research Needs for Noncyclic Chronic Pelvic Pain Therapies for Women.
No. 20: Future Research Needs: Interventions for Adolescents and Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders.
No. 21: Adjuvant Treatment for Phenylketonuria: Future Research Needs.
No. 22: Future Research Needs for Strategies To Reduce Cesarean Birth in Low-Risk Women.
No. 24: PCA3 Testing in the Diagnosis and Management of Prostate Cancer: Future Research Needs.
No. 26: Pharmacological Management of Crohn's Disease: Future Research Needs.
No. 28: Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Adults: Future Research Needs.
No. 29: Future Research Needs on Procalcitonin-Guided Antibiotic Therapy.
No. 31: Future Research Needs for Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs.
No. 32: Insulin Delivery and Glucose Monitoring Methods: Future Research Needs.
No. 34: Chronic Venous Leg Ulcer Treatment: Future Research Needs.
No. 35: Preventive Pharmacological Treatments for Migraine in Adults: Future Research Needs.
No. 37: Physical Therapy for Knee Pain Secondary to Osteoarthritis: Future Research Needs.
No. 38: Treatment for Restless Legs Syndrome: Future Research Needs.
No. 39: Nonoperative and Operative Treatments for Rotator Cuff Tears: Future Research Needs.
No. 40: Screening for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): Future Research Needs.
No. 42: Treatment Strategies for Women With Coronary Artery Disease: Future Research Needs.
No. 43: Strategies To Prevent Weight Gain in Adults: Future Research Needs.
No. 44: Long-Term Care for Older Adults: Future Research Needs.